
Audit Committee - This committee is charged with overseeing the review of APPFA’s financial statements and internal controls. 

Best Practices Committee - This committee develops white papers, procedures and other documentation to be referenced by APPFA membership and other auditors in the public pension fund industry. 

Bylaws and Policies Committee This committee reviews the Bylaws and policies and provides suggestions to the Board. (This committee was recently upgraded from an ad hoc committee to a standing committee by APPFA Board approval at their June 2023 meeting.)

Membership Committee - This committee will support membership growth and provide insight on membership recruitment, engagement, and retention. 

Program Committee - This committee devises APPFA's bi-annual professional conferences for our membership professional development.

  • Committee Chairperson: Nicki Russell, APPFA Board Vice-President, Missouri State Employees Retirement System
  • Christina Baker, Teachers Retirement System of Illinois
  • Cathleen Davis, Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
  • Alex Deal, State Universities Retirement System of Illinois
  • Carim Cervantes, New York State Office of Comptroller